John Barnes & Louisa Tucker - 1821

Original post 3/9/2014 (Lisa's Family Pages)

A few weeks ago I sent a request to the Anglican Church of Newfoundland.  I asked for a copy of the marriage record for John Barnes and Louisa Tucker married June 2, 1821, in Carbonear.  John Barnes is our first Barnes ancestor to Newfoundland.  I wanted to see if the original would share the names of their parents.

This week I received a reply from the Honorary Archivist at The Archdeacon Buckle Memorial Archive - Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.   I was very excited to see a copy of this very old document.  Unfortunately, it does not share the names of his parents,  but it does provide the names of two witnesses - one being William Barnes.  William is likely related to John and I am hoping that researching William will help me discover more about John's family in England.

I have included an image of the document below as well as a transcription because it's a bit hard to read.

Entry #10 Parish of Carbonear - Marriage Register 608, Box 2, File 4

Carbonear Church,  Newfoundland,  2 June 1821.  John Barnes,  Bachelor of Wimbourne in the county of Dorset, England and Louisa Tucker, Spinster of Harbour Grace, in Conception Bay Newfoundland, were married in this church by consent of Parents as certified this second day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one by me J. Burt Clerk (?)

This marriage was solemnized John X Barnes & Louisa Tucker between us. 

In the presence of Edwd Peters, Wm Barnes (Edward Peters and William Barnes)

I hereby certify that the above is a just copy of nuptials

J. Burt - Clerk


As of today (February 9, 2017) I still haven't been able to get back past John and Louisa.  If you have any additional information that might help I would love to hear from you. 

Image courtesy of Istock|Getty images

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