Updated Pedigree Charts

I have made some updates to Family and Forebears "Family Pages".  The biggest change that I have made are new ancestor charts.  I have updated all eight of the charts with updated information and I've also standardized them to four generations.  I have embedded these from my Google Docs, so you will be able to zoom in and out to view the information more clearly.

Most of these charts go back a little further than four generations in my database.  If you are looking for an old chart that had more info please contact me - I can send you an email with what you are looking for.  Why did I limit it to four generations? Two reasons, it looks nicer, but also because the further I go back the greater the chance of errors.  So, to make sure I don't provide inaccurate information I've only included the ancestors I'm confident about.  All of these charts start with one of my Great Grandparents.

You can have a look at the new charts by hovering over "Family Pages" in the top bar and select a surname, or you can click one of these links.

The Barnes and Howell Family Page

The Davidson and Liscombe Family Page

The Hoogland and van der Mee Family Page

The Warren and Shepherd Family Page

My goal in the next few months is to create biography posts.  I would like to take the information I have collected in my database and share it though a blog post dedicated to one person at a time.  If you would like to follow updates and new posts you can subscribe to emails.  Just enter your email address under "Follow by Email" in the right sidebar.

Until next time...

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