Scleroderma Awareness Month

Greetings! This is not a family history post, but because my Dad struggled with Scleroderma for over 15 years, I wanted to make a post dedicated to this rare disease.

What is Scleroderma?
Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) is an autoimmune rheumatic disease that can cause hardening of the skin, circulation problems, scarring of the lungs, organ failure, stiff joints and digestive issues. In the worst cases, this chronic connective tissue disease can lead to death.  More research is needed to help find a cure.

I've included a few links that have a lot more information about this rare disease.  There are many more depending on where you are in the world, these links focus on North America.

If you would like to help the cause, my family is participating in the Scleroderma walk in memory of my Dad.  Due to Covid19 it will be a "Virtual Walk" this year and we will be walking in our neighbourhood.  If you would like to make a donation/sponsor "Team Stacy" we would really appreciate it.  You can join our team as well if you'd like.

I wish you all well.  Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind to one another. 💕

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